Daniel Fast is a Canadian documentary photographer based in Toronto. He spent hours looking at the photos inside his grandparents’ vast collection of National Geographic magazines as a child. This may have influenced him into developing an interest in the human experience, learning how others live, and leave their mark.
I learned how to make pictures mostly independently, outside of institutions, but not without guidance from some wonderful mentors along the way. After several failed attempts at formal education, I turned to the burgeoning online community (hello early 2000’s deviantArt) for inspiration and community. Attracted to the rebellious ethos of street photography over the studio, and captivated by Henri Cartier-Bresson’s obsession with the “decisive moment“ (with influences from Elliott Erwitt, Diane Arbus, Stephen Shore, and many others), I adopted photography as a practice of processing and expressing my inner thoughts and reflections through documenting the surrounding environment. Influenced by personal experience, I’m attracted to themes of belonging and isolation, the human landscape, and the simple beauty in the everyday.