October 29. Thousands took to the streets in downtown Toronto for the fourth consecutive weekend, protesting government inaction against the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Israel continues to receive support from the U.S., Canada, and other nations, despite horrific human rights violations in Gaza. The rally was held the day after an emergency resolution for an immediate truce, lead by Jordan, failed to garner enough votes from member states during a meeting of the UN General Assembly. The Canadian government chose to abstain.
I’m a perfectionist.
(I’ve probably written, edited, and saved the draft for this post a dozen times now, and I’ll still be disappointed with it after it’s posted. It was supposed to be a simple exercise. Simple doesn’t equal easy. Right.)
It takes me a long time to process photos, especially when it comes to film. There are lots of reasons for this, and for the most part, I think I’ve done well to accept them. After all, #slowmovement. But I thought about occasionally posting some “less refined” images here in a bid to break out of those perfectionist habits, gain some momentum, and maybe show a bit of the process. Nothing too glamorous.
From a roll I shot wandering around the neighbourhood during the lockdown.
Kodak Portra 400
Mamiya C220f, 80mm f/2.8
June 19th, a demonstration and sit-in took place in downtown Toronto. Organized by Not Another Black Life and held in solidarity with Black Americans across the continent commemorating Juneteenth. Those in attendance listened to speeches by local activist groups, took in live performances, and spoke out together in front of Toronto Police headquarters. Moments of joy and celebration, as well as anger and frustration towards the continual injustices felt by Black and Indigenous communities here in Canada, and abroad.